"Thy Kingdom Come"

"Many have asked, 'How is it that the Prophet Joseph Smith, age 14, could go into a grove, never having prayed before vocally, according to his own account, and in that first prayer receive such great and marvelous blessings?' Does that mean that he simply had far greater faith and worthiness than the rest of us?
"One response is that the visitations received by the Prophet Joseph Smith weren't just an answer to his own prayer, but to the prayers of literally millions, maybe even those beyond the veil, who had been seeking and reaching for generations for the restoration of the gospel and the reestablishment of the kingdom of God on the earth; fulfillment, in fact, of a phrase offered by billions, 'Thy kingdom come.' (Matthew 6:10.)
"That is an important insight. You and I pray not alone. We pray as part of a great modern movement and, in effect, we can be empowered in that very process. And if we care - or even care enough to try to care - to be instruments, unique privileges descend upon us, among them the authorities and gifts and blessings of the Holy Ghost and the crowning blessings of the priesthood." - Truman Madsen

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Links and Questions related to CHFT 6-7

This Thursday, October 4, we will discuss two chapters in Church History in the Fulness of Times: Chapter 6, Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ; and Chapter 7, The Infant Church Expands. Here are a few articles for those who wish to read further on the topics for this week: "Fayette: The Place the Church Was Organized," Ensign, Feb. 1989; "I Have a Question: Who were the six who organized the Church on 6 April 1830?", Ensign, June 1980; "How We Got the Book of Moses," Ensign, Jan. 1986; "The 'New Translation' of the Bible, 1830-1833..." BYU Studies. And here are a few questions for consideration as you read this week's lessons: How many people gathered at the Peter Whitmer, Sr. home on 6 April 1830 to witness the formal organization of the Church? What happened at the first meeting? Look at the Chronological Order of Contents page at the beginning of the Doctrine and Covenants. How many sections of the Doctrine and Covenants were written in Manchester, NY? How many in Harmony, PA? How many in Fayette, NY? When was the first chapter of the Book of Moses translated? How far did Samuel H. Smith travel on his mission to sell copies of the Book of Mormon? Who were the four men selected to take the gospel to Native Americans? List some of the successes that came from the mission to the Lamanites.

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